Monday, October 6, 2008

Viva la Monday!!!

This weekend was odd. Friday during the day was a waste of time and space and space-time overall, but when I got out of work it got better. I went to Orpheus’ place, and prepared for the arrival of Bulgaria’s BF’s roommate, who deigned to go to gallery night with us downtown. We had nothing to eat first, which kinda sucked, but there was a beautiful gallery we went to last which is a working space for the artists exhibiting as well as a sales floor. The talks we had with artists there were awesome! I’d love to go back with money (when I have some again) and buy a couple small pieces. Most of the galleries stank, though, which wasn’t terribly surprising. Corporate art/boring late-middle-aged guest room décor, throughout.

Afterwards, we took “Roommate” to Opus, which is worming its’ way back into my heart as a viable nightspot. Overall, it was a fairly tense night, as he had to work overtime all weekend, and Friday night was his only HIM-time, and given away, to boot. I don’t think O. will get his wish for a three-way. Wish I could say “more’s the pity,” but I’m really a bit relieved. Though R. is a wonderful guy who I’d love to have as a friend, I’m not terribly attracted to him physically.

Saturday started off with a bout of sickness in conjunction with the failure of my phone battery, putting me close to an hour late for roleplaying. I was forgiven, fortunately, without having to explain exactly the state that had made me late. Short session, but we leveled, even though our wizard died (first casualty!). I want to go back to D+D 3.5… Though 4.0 is easier to play, it’s easier overall to stick with an established product. I really dislike change, I find. The rest of Saturday was nearly ruined by O’s need to nap. It was a two-hour snooze-fest that left both of us feeling off. We did, eventually, shake it off, but my yuckiness early on left me feeling unable to bear up to a long-overdue session of the nasty. Though disappointing, we slept, and that was that. I slept very poorly, due to the shitty two-hour nap.

Sunday was packed with adventure! I made amazing chorizo eggs served on a bed of perfect breakfast potatoes, and sprinkled with fresh-grated Parmesano Romano. I then rolled up my sleeves, and built a beautiful Gallician Pie for lunch, which ended up being an indoor picnic at Orpheus’ place. Aphrodite was back in town this weekend, and she agreed to lunch cooked by me before she left town for the Twin Cities. It was very nice to see her, even if it was only for a little bit, and she lauded lunch, as per usual. Afterwards, O. needed another nap, which I stayed up through, and then we got together for drinks with his work friends, who I adore. After a couple hours there, we went back to his place, and got around eventually to some rooty-tooty, rompin’-stompin, good-time sex. Then I passed out.

Today, per par, sucks. Viva la Monday!!!

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