Monday, October 27, 2008

UW Homecoming Sucks...

The noose is drawing tighter. I am more tired than ever just walking in the building here… But today, I didn’t need any help to feel like crap before braving the door to my workplace. I woke up at 4:30 AM, and didn’t officially get back to sleep. I just stayed in bed dozing for two and a half hours, waiting for the alarm to sound. The cruelest aspect is that, as per routine, I hit the snooze button once before getting up, and got so close to falling back to sleep I could almost taste it. Right now, I’m sitting zombie-like before my computer, wishing to God for something to happen that would get me out of the building. I can’t wait for 1:30 so I can take a nice nap over my lunch break! The one weird thing was the tense sci-fi dream I had while dozing.

It was some f-ed up b.s., too let me tell you. It was a near-future type setting where nothing was really different except a single piece of game-altering technology that makes almost anything possible… Practically cost-free long-distance teleportation. And I’m talking over stellar distances, too. In the dream, my Mother was, for some reason, set to teleport into the orbit of a distant planet in a shuttlecraft that looked suspiciously like a late-model Honda minivan (Lay aside your cries of “H. Ron Hubbard!” for the time being, please… At least my spaceships aren’t in the form of ‘60’s cargo planes). Given that Mom’s primary talents are musical performance, teaching, and making people physically ill with her lame mom jokes, the plot seems a bit fishy, but bear with me…

In the dream, I was a violinist of note. For some odd reason, I was in the control booth when Mom’s shuttle was to teleport, and it just never arrived. However, the personnel in the booth didn’t ever admit that she’d just teleported, or that there was anything wrong. The rest of the dream was an action-packed bureaucratic paper-chase type drama in which I eventually forced the Grand Poobahs of teleportation to let me follow Mom on a rescue mission… Yes, that’s right, I was a “violinist of note” in a silver space-suit driving a Honda Orbital Shuttle. And that’s when the alarm rang.

Just when I was having a real Solaris of a dream… Actually, given that particular resonance, maybe it’s better that I never finished dreaming. I don’t like blood or madness too much, overall. The weekend itself was pretty cool, though, weird dreams aside. On Friday night, I went out with my co-workers for a couple hours, and it was a neat night. I drank too much. After that, I picked up Orpheus, and we returned to my place. The worst that I can say is that traffic was HORRIBLE all weekend long. Every time I drove, I ended up in a foul mood afterwards. Friday night was no exception. We settled in for the night, and didn’t get to bed until really late… Unfortunately, for no great reason. I made quiche for gaming on Saturday morning, and will likely be repeating that particular method of prep again. I sautéed the onions and red pepper before adding to the pie crusts. It made the quiche tastier, as the onions had time to carmelize and soften… it also made the quiche less wet, which is a good thing, overall.

Gaming was fun, as we all video-conferenced with Bulgaria before starting to play. It was nice to see him in person. He’s already lost weight being at home! The quiche was a massive success, even if I couldn’t roll well to save my soul. Goddamn gaming! ;-) On Saturday night, O. and I just kind of hung out and did nothing, as scads of drunk, nut-job pedestrians ignoring walk signs had made it their duty to try and get killed by my vehicle at various points in the day… Homecoming crowds are rarely on the best-behaved. Sunday was nice… I made chorizo and eggs with potatoes for breakfast, skipped lunch, went to a reading of a kind of pastiche of “best of” posts from Craigslists’s personals and missed connection letters put on by Basso, then cooked a highly successful dinner for O. We had a lot of sex afterwards. Hopefully, this week will bring better things. Otherwise, I may just consider giving up. ;-)

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