Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hurry, hurry, hurry, I’ve got rice and curry!

Wow. So, yesterday wasn’t bad. I’m wicked pissed at Terra Firma, my roomie, for the way she ignores me in the apartment, but couldn’t bring myself to be mean yesterday, as she fell and hurt her elbow pretty badly… Right on the selfsame spot that I drove gravel into my right palm in the summer of 2007. So, instead of bitching her out for completely filling the freezer (excepting for a single bag of green beans and one package of meat that belong to me), I gave her a blueberry lager with an absurdly high alcohol content. I feel like I’m being too nice, lately. She still hasn’t cleared out the goddamn boxes in the living room, either.

Anyway, O. continues to be so very sweet. But he’s not writing much, and he still hasn’t found a circle to write with, and the documentation for his loans remains missing. He did post yesterday night regarding his disappointment with the Booker Prize and and Nobel Lit winners, which he explained whilest I puréed roasted eggplant as a sauce supplement for my curry, which itself turned out as lackluster as a Dungeons and Dragons serial novel. The one high point was the tofu I used instead of my normal pork. I drained, pressed, and froze the small pieces before marinating with peanut oil w/a touch of roasted sesame oil, and hot sauce. While it was frying, I added a bit of tumeric. I fished the pieces out when just golden and firm on both sides (they were thin pieces, so cooked through instead of needing to be cooked on EVERY side of a cube), and added them back to the curry to warm through while waiting on the rice. The curry stank, but the tofu was harmonious. I’ll have to try it with a simpler sauce in the future!

After we were done with dinner, O. and I headed downtown, to his place, as he works today. We watched the sequel to the Rocky Horror Picture Show, which sucked rocks, but happened to have the dude from Dame Edna as a main character sporting a German accent. Afterwards, still in something of a daze, we watched some ‘Dame Edna Experience’ episodes, which were far and away more entertaining. We got to sleep pretty late, and Orpheus forgot in the morning to hit the snooze button the right way. I was seconds away from being late for work as a consequence! At least I got a little more sleep than usual, which was VERY nice.

Please excuse the title of my post… I came to know “Dr. Bombay” during my horrible club-music phase in college. My roommate at the time gave me all his trashy euro-pop mp3s after discovering I liked them so much. He said, “You listen to so much serious music all the time, it makes sense you’d love this trash on some level, even if you hate yourself a little bit for it!” Unfortunately, he was correct. And I find myself, like the main character of the song, unable to foist said terrible curry off on anyone. Pray for me…

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