Wednesday, October 1, 2008

EvilGenius’ Evil Doctor’s Bag…

Last night was lovely. After I got home from a horribly punishing day at the office, Orpheus made me a nice heavy martini, and we just vegged out until QuakerNoOats called and asked us to show up around 6:30-7 PM. Apparently, EvilGenius was VERY excited about us coming to her birthday dinner, and even consented to put on underpants when it was made clear that she couldn’t have us over if she didn’t! We brought over some New Glarus tart raspberry ale, which compares well with a basic fruit lambic from Belgium, and some Strongbow Cider, as QNO’s mother loved Woodchuck when we were over on Saturday. I cooked the meat for fajitas, and cooked down the onion and peppers in a pan. There was a neat salad dressing that QNO made, and good corn torillas. Dinner was fun, but conversation and present time was better.

As I think I mentioned before, O. and I got EvilGenius a doctor’s kit for her birthday. She had gotten her flu shot that very morning at the doctor’s office, so I was a little uneasy regarding the reception of her gift, but she loved it. A lot. She even started walking around, giving everybody shots, and listening to their heartbeats. The best part, though, was when she hooked the little battery-operated pager that came with the kit over her training pants to make rounds… It was so cute I wanted to barf a little, inside my mouth. It was such a good night, my spirits lifted a lot. I needed it. This morning, I had a telephone roleplay that I nailed to the floor. It felt good, even if this place does suck rocks!

Tonight O. and I have off. I know it’s just my insecurity coming to bite me in the ass, but we haven’t been having nearly enough sex lately. He’s easing into his comfort zone regarding the thing he didn’t used to do willingly, but he’s not doing the opposite to me nearly as much anymore. Though, given how thorny I’ve been lately, I can’t say as I blame him. Hopefully, I can make a resolution to start fresh, and try to be more upbeat. I have to try. I don’t want to lose my guy!

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