Monday, April 28, 2008

Cleaning up the word vomit… (Meant to be posted on Friday)

Apparently, holding back the flow of words from my fingers for nearly a solid week makes me an incoherently gibbering boob, if yesterday's post is any indicator. Hope you liked the pictures, as there will never be any more such images taken, more's the pity. They've closed that staircase behind the carousel permanently… Dumb senior discount tours and handicappers… Grr. Anyway, there was a third person on the tour with Orpheus and I, and it was Aphrodite, who is still, annoyingly, with BF. Apparently, all is going well between them at the moment, and they got a dog together. The dog is named Mosseda. Yes, Mosseda. Apparently, BF is attempting to build his domestic fortress around an unstable, frankly unhappy relationship by binding ties such as this "family building" exercise, in which Aphrodite raises a dog, and BF gets to baby it. If she finishes converting, it'll be complete, and even marching the ark around the walls ten times for a week won't bring such a façade down.

In any case, we were free of BF, so everything was quite fine. Though, in retrospect, we were just as quick touring as we were with our picnic. Each thing we did took about one to one and a half hours.
Picnic – Tour I – Tour II. It was a fun day, albeit a little mechanical, probably because it was a repeat experience for O. and I. However, the ongoing conversation was rather fun, and being as loopy as I was on that much Rose, there were quite a few fun pictures! I accidentally stumbled onto a gold-mine of settings on my camera that made images which shouldn't have turned out crystal-clear… Including the one of me kinda blowing a wooden Dumbledore-like character's outstretched wand. What can I say? It was a celebratory picture.

Yesterday, both Orpheus and I were quite cross to start. He got better faster than I. My mood, of course, plummeted when 'The Office' came on, so O. sent me to the liquor store to stock up so I could skip the episode. When I came back, I had enough Japanese-style lagers to get a football player drunk, and kind of made a night of it. He hated, for once, the Office, saying that the episode was a waste of his time. 30-Rock, on the other hand, was the bomb-diggity. I mean, wow… Business Juice? I think I’m going to have to get so ‘juiced’ over a work lunch sometime that I get business sick on my crappy, no-vent Perry Ellis suit.

Either way, interesting weekend on the way, or not… The MMoCA (Madison Museum of Contemporary Art) is throwing a design symposium as a fundraiser, so rich/old people can pay $15/ticket to see a brace of rooms set up around pieces from the museum’s permanent collection, including a set of Warhol prints of whacky US dollar signs. More later…

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