Monday, March 24, 2008

Slick as snot, I slide...

Salaam and good morning to you, worthy friends! It’s been a heck of a weekend. Weird, slow, sick, and just plain odd. Wonderful, at moments, and yet running against some sort of grain. This might herald the slow recovery from Orpheus’ internet malfeasance, it might just be because what has come out of my mouth in terms of forgiveness isn’t quite in step with what’s in my heart, or it could be the fifth encroaching cold of the season slowly creeping up on my respiratory system. Either way, I’ve had some fun, but overall there is still some sort of pall over everything in my memory that I can’t quite put a finger on.

On Friday, I’m actually kind of at a loss as to what the hell we got up to. O. worked until 8 PM, we had our chat, and spent a lot of time naked, clinging to one another. I don’t remember much of what we watched or did, except that we went out to do dinner at a place that serves trad. Bachelor food… Burgers and fries. It was good, but the environ was so unsettling that I wanted out of my skin. All cheap tile interior in black and white check with fluorescent lighting will tend to do that, especially when you get the idea that everyone currently dining in the restaurant would rather you were dead than look at you.

Saturday, Orpheus worked a double shift with a three hour break between… This meant four hours in the morning, lunch, and four hours in the afternoon/evening, again until eight. It was terrible. I felt quite sick, and took a couple naps, waking up cranky before we went back to my place so I could pay attention to my slut-cat. We did go to an excellent Indian buffet for lunch, but I overate. Furthermore, I followed up getting uncomfortably full by watching ‘Alien vs. Predator.’ Blech. Fortunately, we had a good dinner, then spent a very memorable late night having some surprisingly rough but very intimate sex. If nothing else, the threeway has us trying new things with each other. Things we wouldn’t have thought up before on our own. We’re far more attuned to one another right now than we were before. It’s kind of neat, and rather necessary.

Sunday started off with a negative bang. As per usual, I woke up at the ass-crack of dawn, and couldn’t’ get back to sleep. O. was very cranky, because it was so bright in my room, and he didn’t want to snuggle as he was cranky, leaving me cranky, too. We didn’t go to church, but instead met his family out for lunch in Old Middleton at a neat little restaurant that has gone downhill in the last year or so. All in all, after we left the apartment, it was nice. It was good to see his entire family at once. Up until now, I’ve only met them in fits and starts, one or two at a time. This was all of them at once. His mother is a dear. His dad, if I didn’t know any better, I’d take for a mute, but just kind of sits there and lets the family happen around him. I think that P. is aware that nobody pays him much mind, and the kids tend toward active dislike, at times. But he loves them, and they comfort him just being there. I’ve spoken of Orpheus’ middle sister before, and it’s always fun to have her around. O.’s youngst sister is kinda creepy, but that I was prepared for. Unfortunately, she’s also a mega-Christian, which made it more difficult at times.

We finished off the night, which was a near-whiteout, by the by (damn snow!!!), visiting with Basso and making easter eggs. There was no sex this time, which I was very proud of. I think he’ll work out as a friend. I hope. If not, we’ll have to jettison him, and he needs people too, possibly more than he’s admitted to date. One just hopes he stops getting all touchy-feely when he knows there is to be no sex in the future. This time, it was Orpheus who seemed a bit jealous. Talk, talk, talk… I like to do it, and I think he’s finally ready to admit that it’s necessary to speak about ones’ feelings almost as often as I’m wont to. Anyway, that’s my weekend in a bucket. Just like the cat-puke I had to clean off one of my fav. insulator-tees this morning before work.

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