Monday, January 14, 2008

Weeds, moving, cudling like rabbits

Had a lovely weekend, all told, despite all the work involved in moving Orpheus. We tackled the job by ourselves, mostly. His Dad was in town last week (see the last couple posts for info about familial fiascos), and thus the Van was around, but it wasn’t exactly clear in the back, so most of the moving was done with my car. Plus, O. Sr. has back problems, so it wasn’t exactly like he was helping… Much like when I moved with my ex to Wisconsin. Both of our families helped, but my Dad, the old Orangutan (so called because he’s both Orang-like in shape and color due to over-tanning), just watched the ice-water, and sucked down freezer-cooled Absolut martinis all day long. No booze in Orpheus, Sr.’s case, but replace hooch with food and you’ve got an idea. At least O. got some nice eats in the deal.
Orpheus’ new place is another efficiency. For him, this isn’t a problem. In fact, it seems to work better than a multi-roomed place. He doesn’t have much stuff, so if there’s only one space to fill, it’s actually a boon, as said room is full and homey. Plus, there’s no more roommate to worry about, which means more naked time for us when hanging at his place. Another really nice thing was all the rest we did between sets of moving and cleaning. Lots of sleepy snuggling is good when you have a tall-ass boyfriend who’s into spooning. Finally, Weeds is the bomb-digity of TV shows. We watched the entire first DVD from season 1 yesterday, and found the first three episodes to be exceptionally well-written and entertaining. The last three with the dude from Angels in America? Well, let’s just say, I think they were coasting after the triumph that were the first three episodes. Hopefully, disk two will prove up to the Agrestic housewife standard, ‘cause I LOVE my Cracker-Mom-dealer drama (though I am less than enamored of the stoner-brother-in-law-goofball story arc)!

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