Monday, January 21, 2008

Dirty Boy...

If last Friday was a beautiful and uplifting experience work-wise, today, MLK Day, is rather a cosmic punishment for said end-of-week optimism. After an hour-long group meeting, I had a one-on-one this morning with my direct boss to defend crappy sales figures. This defense went quite well, with me winning on several key points information-wise such as non-repeating capital expenditures in 2007 having caused a dangerous skew to sales numbers for January of this year. Unfortunately, it took me nearly another hour to prepare for said meeting, and now that it’s the afternoon, I can’t get anybody on the phone to save my soul (or, incidentally, my job). After a weekend that helped me very much to relax and reconcile myself to another five days at work, this is just what I DIDN’T need. Discouragement sucks.
On a brighter note, I had a very encouraging weekend with Orpheus. He was very kind to me on Friday, when I was very grumpy post-work. Then, yesterday, he bent over backwards to make me happy by giving in to my choice of movie on our “special day” together. (Note: if you haven’t already seen it, DO NOT waste money on Beowulf, despite Neil Gaiman’s involvement in the project.) Furthermore, he was patient while I bought out several stores in the mall of things that I needed, were on sale, and fit me like a dream, while there was absolutely nothing for him, even things that he needed, for sale in his size. This gave me the chance to make him a special comfort-food type dinner, after which he was absolved from cleanup duty due to crabbiness. We had a very nice, protracted snuggle, then some mind-blowing sex. Twice. Anyway, hopefully the rest of the week will be better. I can tell you that the sex has made me considerably more agreeable today than I would’ve been under normal circumstances.

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