Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wedding, ho! New job?...

So, yesterday during the day was an emotional blitzkrieg which I think I weathered well, all told. The long and short of it is, I’m being put on an action plan at work, to “bring my performance into line with other members of the department.” This, despite the fact that my territory is both larger and needs different kinds of care than other territories. I’m expected, apparently, to work twice as hard as anybody else here for no good reason just to stay employed. And I don’t get paid well enough for that. Plus, Terra Firma STILL doesn’t have a job, and won’t pick up after herself… And the couch is unpleasantly TF scented, lately. But I’m headed to MI tonight after work, so I’m putting all that shit out of mind for the time being, because...

I’M IN DAGMAR’S WEDDING!!! The famed S., of whom I’ve spoken before, was known by Dagmar in our first year German class in high school. Therefore, she shall henceforth be known as Dagmar here, as well. Dagmar and L., who shall now be known as Flighty (not as bad as it sounds… she’s the kind of hyperactive that makes hanging out interesting, especially now that we can drink legally), were my best friends in HS. It’s been a long time, now, but I’m happy to still count them amongst the very few people who I consider true friends.

Anyway, more later! Wish me luck with the drive…

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