Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Reality’s bitch…

Last Thursday night, I caused my first car accident since conquering the final hormonal Himalaya of teendom. As such, it’s been a difficult few days. My car was as close to being inoperative as is possible for a vehicle to be and not also emit more noxious fumes than normal while jittering. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Fortunately, the damage was relatively cheap to repair, if not expedient. Fortunately, the bus schedules in Madison have been retooled since my last disastrous brush with the Metro system. Fortunately, I have Orpheus, who has opened his efficiency to me whilst repairs are ongoing, despite the probability that it will cause tension.

It doesn’t hurt that we’re both in the “it hasn’t sunk in yet” phase of planning to move in together come August. But, of all the things I have on my plate to worry over for the next little bit, this tight co-habitation is the trickiest. We have had conversations that define this trial specifically as:

1) Artificial, as I’m invading his (already severely limited,) space.
2) A bad indicator of how our life together will be, as we’ll be moving into a place that is bigger, wherein we both get to set rules and develop a comfort level.
3) A bit unfair, as this is a situation which leaves me financially strapped for a time, and also a touch unstable, emotionally.

So, that’s all agreed upon. Still, though… it’s tough. O. has gone out of his way to clean things at his place up, free up space, chip in more cash for the groceries, and on and on until I can’t list the thoughtful things he’s done anymore. I worry that he’ll consider a week and a half too long, and consider the sacrifices too many. You know the drill, I think. I just hope to god I’m wrong, and that he comes to the conclusion that things won’t end up so bad, after all. In the meantime, I am kind of walking on eggshells.

Also, I am such a big idiot that taking the bus after dark has proven to be a challenge for me. Poop. Poop on the bus schedule! The screw-up last night was so heinous that I called BakedAlaska for a ride. Ended up having dinner with he, QuakerNoOats and EvilGenius whilest O. wished I’d gotten home on time and played barefoot and pregnant in the galley-style kitchen. Fortunately, though, BakedAK is a veteran public transportation-goer, and showed me a better route to take to work in the mornings. Strike one with Orpheus, at once saving fifteen minutes each way on the damnable pneumonia-coach!

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