Friday, February 27, 2009

Meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat…

Today has been a fucking nightmare. Everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong with accounts, with the way people who are checking up on things for customers whose accounts I fixed are going about second guessing (not a one has been right yet), to just the general stupidity of the customers themselves. Bleh. I want my bloody day back!!!

Having said this, I kind of had time to chat at length with a lady at work who raised her kids vegetarian about cooking with less meat today, and it was very illuminating. We’ll call her EarthMomma. EarthMomma is a fascinating, if kind of scatter-brained hippie-type who’s just been through it all. She’s even survived her own botched suicide attempt, and come out stronger than ever. I like her, ‘cause she seems able to find the positives in everything, even the most horrifyingly painful situations. Unfortunately, most of the long chat we had was over a tasty if evil over-processed cheese dip brought in by another co-worker. Also, I was given a huge container of procciutto and mortadella by another co-worker, as her father brought in pounds of the stuff as a gift, and she’s the only member of her family that’ll eat it (and doesn’t want it to go bad, so she’s giving it away all over the place).

To make a long story even longer, this is just a bad place to work if you’re trying to eat better. Last night was the first night I tried seriously to put into effect the reduced meat portions suggested by Mark Bittman in his book ‘Food Matters’ for Orpheus and I. I even picked up a lovely bottle of bone-dry Argentine white wine to go with the Tilapia a la Meuniere that I whipped up… And I nearly ate my own hand, I was still so hungry by bedtime. Fortunately, a carrot seemed to do wondrous things for me just before bed. We’ll see if I can keep up with it. O. actually did better than me, but I don’t think he’s taking things quite as seriously… After all, he eats pretty much whatever he wants to for lunch every day, and most days he eats out. I’ll just have to work on him slowly, I guess. Meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat, meat… It’s all I can think of right now. All I want. Stupid fucking vegetables. I don’t want to be a rabbit!!!

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