Monday, December 10, 2007

Roasted Pork Loin, Polar Bear Smackdown, Jingle Bells, ETC…

This weekend was long. Wicked-long, even. Not bad in most of its’ parts albeit quite taxing. Orpheus and I hung around his place on Friday, attending BF’s Hanukkah party. Almost everyone there was a pretentious wanna-be politico. I spent much of the evening in the kitchen with O., keeping company with Aphrodite while she cooked… And cooked… And kept on cooking. She made blintzes, potato pancakes, hummus, babaganoush (sp?), and the most LOVELY salmon dip with dill. She also made one of my recipes, a beautiful roasted red pepper dip. Oh, yes, while keeping her company, we also got blitzed. It was a good thing that A., from my post last Tuesday, showed up. Otherwise, we all would’ve been in a right state, Aphrodite included. Orpheus and I left before midnight, and were happier for it. The sleep on Friday night was exemplary.
Saturday, I just couldn’t get out of bed, except to move my car from a metered spot to a safe one. I even went back to bed when O. went to work, only getting up to meet him out for lunch. I then had to move my car AGAIN, as the tire was marked by the hellspawn we call metermaids, which took a highly distressing half-hour. It’s snowed quite a lot here this past week, and since parking is bad even when the white stuff isn’t making a mess of everything, spots one can get into and out of without a trail-rated utility vehicle of some sort are currently at a premium. I then succumbed once more to sleep. I was awake in time for Orpheus’ homecoming, and even washing dishes when he arrived. However, we soon went back in to take another nap and make out a touch. Then it was back to my place to get ready for the annual Christmas party at my place of employment, for which we got a little dolled up, bundled up, and rolled out to Middleton, where the party was being held.
From the start, it was awful. I hadn’t prepared Orpheus for the average age of my coworkers, nor had I informed most of said folks that I have been dating a man. If asked, I was honest, and I told a few people at work without being prompted, but for the most part my department is quite religious and rather conservative (though not rabidly so). I was out to more people in Customer Services, as said department is festooned with really awesome butch lesbians. Unfortunately, only one of these made it on Saturday with her partner, and they sat at another table. I was stuck between two Christian conservative pairs, who nonetheless are Bush-haters, thank God, and who warmed up to O. pretty quickly. Across the table, however, sat one of my favorite coworkers, who is apparently the girlfriend of Satan. He said the most hurtful, hateful things, proving himself a political pariah in the conservative sense. It even got one of our Admin. Accountants John mad, as he started railing on AIDS in Africa. John’s wife is Kenyan, and was right at the table, and was very classy about things, all told… But it was fairly tense for a little while.
After the dueling piano act (one with which I’ve had far too much experience in town already,) got started, everything just slipped downhill. Nobody was drunk, because everyone had to drive, and these guys are NOT good. I mean, they’re ok for dueling piano shows, but that’s not exactly a standard most professionals would try to live up to. Really, for musicians, it’s more of a “could I get drunk enough to say what’s coming out of their mouths comfortably, and still get away with playing that badly?” kind of thing. They were bawdy, far too nasty by far for the audience, and there was a stunned, tense silence while they did their biggest crowd-pleasing numbers. Orpheus and I just got the heck out fairly early, and went to see ‘The Golden Compass.’ It was pretty bad, but only in that Hollywood ruins everything kind of way. Plus, O. absolutely went ape-shit over what he called “POLAR BEAR SMACKDOWN!!!” It was pretty kickin.
Finally, Sunday was pretty cool. I got to do Dungeons and Dragons with my roleplaying group for the first time since just before Thanksgiving. It was nice to get my fix, and it gave Orpheus and I a few hours off to breathe. Then, I proceeded to make the most delicious citrus-marinated pork roast last night. And today, we’re beginning the training process for the new employees here at work, which I’m in on. All in all, I think I’ll be able to be more positive about work today when asked how my day was. Especially since I’m making pork tacos for dinner tonight… Yummy! Hope you all had a pleasant weekend, and please comment! I’m lonely… :-(

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