Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays, Beyotches....

Merry Fucking Christmas!!!
I know that I promised daily updates, but home, as always, has proven more than adequate at distracting me from various important things. Today was wondrous. It all started with Mom making a lovely egg-ey breakfast... A breakfast that began with bacon and coffee, and ended with yum. My little sister, her husband and I went shopping, where I found both of them presents... Of course, I called them from the back of Barnes and Noble, told them to vacate the register area, then called them from the parking lot and said that I was absconding with their presents. Rather fun, all told. Then, I went to see a great old friend from HS, and visited with his mother, sister, and family for a few hours. After 3, I went home, got dressed up, and we went to the supper club for dinner. I dearly love fillet. Note to foodies... When you have a steak with a hollandaise sauce, you needn't get a white wine to match... Rather, go with a fruity, young Zin. You'll be happy that you did.
We opened our presents this evening, as the “youths” (my sister and her husband,) must leave tomorrow morning for Detroit. Everyone loved the gifts I gave them, and I came away with a lovely haul... The santoku knife I mentioned after Thanksgiving (which I brought back with me so I wouldn't have to deal with Mom's dull-ass knives), and an 8” Wusthof Classic Ikon Chef's knife, which is freakishly beautiful. It makes me very, very horny. I was also given a beautiful single-serving double-walled Bodum press. One that I can dump hot water and grounds into before I leave in the morning, and get hot coffee out of by the time I get to work. You know, the kind of coffee a human being would actually want to drink... A.K.A, not the kind of coffee that's already available at work.
This year, I received only tools. Things that inspire, things that can help to make me a better cook, a better musical thinker (A Hesperion XXI CD... It could also be used to make me a less bored cook... You decide which appellation you like better), a better person. For the first time in a long while, I think that I get Christmas. I gave good gifts, which made me happy. I did it to make others happy, and happiness came back... Maybe I'm trying to suck the joy out of the Solstice, but that's something. And, really, given the Germanized Paganism that Christmas (which, incidentally, SHOULDN'T be any more important than Hanukkah religiously speaking,) represents, that's quite a lot to learn. When are the fucking Fundies going to realize that Easter's where it's really at?
Where's the stinkin' war on the Goddamn Easter Bunny? Ignorant shits...

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