Friday, December 28, 2007

Post-Christmas, Pre-Newyears' Rush...

OK, so I lied. I knew I’d be busier than a shit-house rat last week, and was still stupid enough to promise daily posts. Let’s just say that the Christmas holiday was most interesting! I stayed with my little sister and her husband, drank a great deal with my parents, friends, and a few people I don’t like so much. I visited so many folks, and had a great time. Unfortunately, I also spent a huge sum of money on presents and such, but that wasn’t so terribly important this time through. I’m happier, and once more giddy at the touch of O., who did something so nice to me last night that I’m flushed thinking about it, now.
The driving was, as expected, atrocious. However, I timed it better this year, and didn’t have to do anything behind the wheel after the hour of 11 PM, EST. That was nice, for a change. I cooked up a storm, and got to show Mom the virtues of using the right knife for the right job. Also, in getting to know my German big-bellied monster of a knife, I once more fell in love. If they weren’t so sharp, I’d consider a tryst… Fortunately for Orpheus, cold steel makes a rather indifferently painful lover. I’m working today, mostly just to get my paycheck, and then it’s four more days off, this time with no calls on my time that don’t involve nudity with O. I like it better that way.
It was so nice to see him again when I came home last night. It was, in fact, a major relief. I never realized the level of my addiction to something so stupid as his smell, not to mention his touch, his heat, being able to hear his heartbeat. Last night was wonderful, and I get him to myself this weekend, too. Huzzah for me! I get to cook, f@#$, and snuggle all weekend long!!! Damn, that’s decadent. Anyway, I’m back now, so start screaming if you don’t hear from me enough. I could use the goosing.

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