Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ding Dong Merrily On High…

Somewhere, bells are ringing. Elsewhere, people singing. Last night, at O’s company holiday party, things were more or less OK. First off, he works for a well-funded non-profit with an employment roll chock-full of low-paid liberal arts grads. This means that his co-workers are, to a one, well-dressed, pretty hot, excellent conversationalists, and destitute. When put in the mix, as low-level functionaries amongst board members and a large number of local luminaries in the arts, they mostly feel out of place… Orpheus himself was uncomfortable at the party until a few of his direct colleagues showed up. I, on the other hand, am not part of that organizational hierarchy, so got to mix as I pleased. The director has excellent taste in beer, and the food was to die for. There was excellent brisket (I’m very glad that O. didn’t tell me that we had the option to bring something… I’ve been really into pork, lately, and the party was thrown in a pork-hostile household. Talk about an embarrassing situation averted), and even better desserts. I ended up speaking to a couple older local artists who probably would’ve invited me out back to smoke something funny if we hadn’t been at this particular function. After they left to drive home (a farm over an hour north of Madison), I joined in conversation with O.
We had a lot of fun just kibitzing! Aside from the normal fun banter, one of his co-workers is an unbelievably hot blonde, who is married to an equally drool-inducing carpenter. They like quirky watches. Orpheus and I joked for a good hour after we left about how I could have her if he could have the husband… I said I wanted them both, he countered regarding the unfairness of that situation, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera… Good verbal foreplay, apparently. After O’s day, spent at my place (Monday is his organization’s Sunday… They don’t open,) in the company of lesbians, I’m surprised that he wanted to do anything along those lines at all. Terra Firma and her GF got noisy in the living room over lunch, according to Orpheus. It left him quivering under the covers, clutching my all-too-willing cat, the shameless little feline slut. When I got home from work and proceeded to getis eyes still looked a bit glazed, as is appropriate for a trauma victim, when I got home to clean up for the party… It was cute. Either way, yesterday was pretty cool.
Hopefully, tonight will be nice, too. We’re going out to say goodbye to A., who I’ve posted about a couple times. She’s done with all her exams, and is graduating. Therefore, she’s moving home to Chicago while job searching. It makes me a little sad that she’ll be leaving, but that’s the way these things go. It’s not like I haven’t been through it before. I’m just rather older, now.
So, that’s about all there is to say today. Nothing new at work. Oh! The color scheme for S.’s wedding won’t be cream and maroon, thank god… Rather it’s to be navy and pink. At least I’m fey enough to wear the color of the leisure classes, and am rather tan in the summer.

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