Tuesday, January 20, 2009

There's the Door…

Dear Mr. (outgoing) President…

I will not waste overly much time or energy writing here what a waste of space you are. Instead, I wish you god-speed and a long life. Further, I wish you a swift trial and just punishment, hopefully something like a prison term that takes more than full advantage of the aforementioned long life. Finally, I genuinely hope that you and your ilk burn in Hell. Your time is over, and the Nation can finally breathe again.

Why do I hope such things for you, you may ask? Well, it all burns down to this… When still a student of policy, way back in September of 2001, I sat on the roof of the Co Op where I lived with friends, and discussed the possible ramifications of the terrorist attacks that were still tying up phone lines on the East Coast. I saw the immediate outpouring of sympathy from Europe as a welcome Détente, given the bad first steps you'd taken in your presidency… A gift, I thought, this kick-start to responsible diplomacy. But, in less than a week, the power your corrupt government had to fan the flames of rumor, fear, hatred, and untruth were fully revealed. My dreams crumbled.

This dreadful initial mismanagement of what has become one of the most hideous conflicts America has ever perpetrated on the World, however, was just the beginning. And simply mentioning the ongoing tragedies of Iraq and Afghanistan doesn't even touch on the abject suffering you've caused in the rest of the world. Your policy has seen to the ultimate suffering of the middle and lower classes everywhere, all in the name of further concentration of wealth in the hands of your
big-contract defense department robber-baron friends. I won't tackle what you've done domestically to the Justice Department, the State Department, or, God forbid, the Supreme Court… Hell, if we don't prosecute you at home for the crimes you've committed, I honestly hope that the next time you take Laura to Paris for shopping, you're nabbed and taken to the Hague. Some of the crap you pulled makes Milosevic
look like a blameless child in comparison!

Finally, there is the horrible tarnish you've put on the presidency. At its' best, the office you've held for the past eight years has been a symbol of stable governance and justice in a tumultuous world. You were definitely unqualified for the job, but stole an election anyway. You were unpalatable from the very first, and only made yourself more so with time and lies heaped upon lies. You stand for everything that the country needs to shed itself of… Reganomics, abject greed, stupidity, moral ambiguity, unyielding absolutism, horrible untruthfulness, absolute opacity.

What I'm trying to say, sir is…

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Oh, yeah… And good riddance!


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