Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dinner, tragic conversation, good times…

So, last night’s dinner with Bulgaria’s abandoned BF went well. It was clear that the poor guy needed badly to talk to sympathetic parties, as his holiday at home with the (neoconservative) family was less than an emotionally calming experience. He’s at a difficult crossroads right now, finishing up with his Masters’ degree, and applying (again,) to Law School. His LSATS didn’t go so well, and so he’s kind of thinking that he’ll transfer after his 1L year, if his grades are good enough. In the meantime, though, we mostly talked about the tough time he’s having right now, and what Bulgaria’s going through at home… In Bulgaria.

Orpheus kind of sat around after making drinks for us while I helped out in the kitchen. Dinner itself was very, very good. We started with a lovely, hot chili and smoked chorizo fried shrimp concoction, followed up by a beautiful smoked chorizo-and mustard/mint-sauce speckled potato salad. The final dish was, essentially, a mildly altered Italian version of Coq au Vin using pancetta in place of bacon… Except that BF was going to use (of course,) smoked chorizo instead. Unfortunately, he forgot to add said delicious pork-based dream-component, so we just had drunken chicken for the main course, accompanied by asparagus tossed in a lovely honey-lemon dressing. He bought a cheesecake for dessert.

The big surprise of the evening was that, after the conversation petered out and BF’s roomie came home, I did really well playing guitar hero. I still don’t like the game much, and once again received a thumb blister for the trouble of playing, but it was better than my initial disastrous encounter with said e-spectacle. Orpheus did so poorly when he tried playing, that he stopped half-way through a song. It’s the first time I’ve seen him do such a thing. I mean, we’re talking about a guy who can’t wait to get the dance pad he bought on so he can play his cheap Korean rip-off version of dance, dance revolution on the computer.

Anyway, tonight should be a bit higher on the gaiety scale, as O. and I are going out to one of his work-colleague’s goodbye party, at a ratty student bar. I still have yet to hear back from my gaming buddies if the reservations they sought were available, so still don’t know what’s going down on Friday night, but keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

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