Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Catchup, Ketchup, Catch Up…

So, it’s been a long damned time (excepting yesterday's love-letter to our outgoing commander in thief), since I put anything of merit up here. Therefore, I will do a very quick summation of the last couple months for you, as some pretty exciting things have happened…

• Thanksgiving – Orpheus and I traveled to St. Joseph, MI to the home of my sister and her husband for the holiday. O. met Mom and Dad, and Dad pulled me aside before he and Mom left to say that he really likes my boyfriend… These are words I never expected out of Dad’s mouth, given the head-pounding that happened when I told my parents that I was dating a man… We spent an extra couple days in St. Joe with Komponist and the little sis, and very much enjoyed the visit. I was even able to get a little more used to their dog, Chloe, who is getting smarter and more adorable with age.
• Christmas – Orpheus went home to Appleton for the holiday, and I had met my parents in Chicago on the 22nd for a nice dinner out and gift exchange. I begged off driving five hours home to Grand Rapids, MI, and spent Christmas in the company of BakedAlaska, QuakerNoOats, and their daughter, EvilGenius. I was also supposed to hang out with Aries’ family for a couple hours, but they had to cancel on me. It was a lovely holiday, and I made a somewhat disjointed if delicious meal comprised of a beautiful rice pilaf, sweet potato pancakes with mock caviar, and perfect fried eggs served with a sauce mornay… I based said sauce on a béchamel, which meant it was very thick and creamy.
• New Years’ Eve – O. and I went to Club5, the regrettable gay club in town, for the party. We were ogled by many nasty old men, paid way, way too much for drinks, but had a fairly nice buffet with unlimited and surprisingly tasty bubbly afterwards. I made a beautiful dinner at home before the fact, of pan-fried then oven roasted marinated tenderloin with roast mashed potatoes and braised leeks. Overall, a disappointing evening, if only because nobody was dancing. Dinner was good, though. So was the sex.
• New Years’ Day – Back over to BakedAlaska, QuakerNoOats’ and EvilGenius’ place for a rompin’ good time New Years’ Day celebration! Orpheus and I brought a good deal of bubbly and orange juice, with which we kept BakedAK happy, and we all went shopping for QuakerNoOats-safe food so that I could cook dinner for everyone. Ended up doing a variation of a margarita sauce braise with sirloin and tomatillos instead of tomatoes. It was so tasty, I have altered the basic recipe for personal use. Also, finally broke down and bought a new camera (a shitty one, unfortunately), as I’ve been going crazy without something to click pictures with.
• 1/2/09’- Second anniversary of meeting… We went out to one of the places through which we matriculated on our initial, fateful pub-crawl. Nattspil is the name of the place. The service sucked, but the food, as ever, was good. The sex was pretty hot, too…
• The sex, the sex, the sex… TerraFirma’s been gone every weekend for the last little bit, thank god. This has meant that O. and I have had run of the apartment on our days off, and have used this privilege to screw on every non-verboten surface in the place. We’ve also finalized that, after our individual leases expire in August, we’ll be getting a place together to save money, and continue the great experiment that is our relationship in cozier surroundings. Oh, god, the sex…

And that’s about it, for now. Money is pretty tight, but isn’t it always? Overall, I’m very glad Obama has taken office, and hope things change for the better. In the meantime, I’m still working at the same job, which is much better than the old one, and the world is still turning. Our ability to subsist, much like roaches, on the face of this god-forsaken ball of dirt in times of difficulty is vastly underrated. I feel like the clouds are just beginning to break, and any time now, I’ll see a glorious ray of sunshine breaking through…

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