Tuesday, September 23, 2008


The past few days have gone by in a largely undifferentiated blur, except I find myself constantly worrying about money, picking on Orpheus, and being a generally nervous Nellie. I’m also horny as hell, all the damned time! At least unidentified lip thingie has gone away in less than a week… This makes it less likely (though not impossible) that it’s herpes, greatly lessening the pressure I’m feeling on that front. Work continues, as ever, to suck. And last night, despite a recipe not altered a whit from what appeared in the magazine, dinner sucked donkey rocks.

Fortunately, O. and I went on a Target-walk, got some booze, went back to my place and just relaxed. With my lip all better, I might even get laid tonight, before going to a new gaming friend’s less formal of two birthday soirĂ©es at a local pizza joint, to be followed by a session of Gomeroke, which I have never before experienced (but am, admittedly, quite excited about). Her birthday present will likely be dinner for herself and her boyfriend (a gaming friend of much longer acquaintance), cooked by me. It’ll be a challenge, as they’re both vegetarians, but will be nice. I like both of them, and really have to expand the number of people who I liked first with whom Orpheus will break bread willingly.

Anyway, there’s really nothing else for the time being, except that I get to go home tonight and snack on apples from the Epplegarten, and salt-n-vinegar potato chips from Target, and have martini with a touch of pomegranate Jones soda (which comes from a Dracula-head themed 8-oz. can), and possibly make the two-backed beast before pizza. And gomeroke. Woo… Tonight is looking better already!

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