Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Manic much, yo?!?

Yesterday evening was far better than expected. Orpheus was very kind despite my post-work grumpiness, and we watched the first episode of ‘The Venture Brothers: Season 3’ while snuggling after I got home from work. It involved the origin story of The Monarch and his far superior partner in villainy, the gravel-voiced Dr. Girlfriend (who is the hottest cartoon walking-trannie joke EVER). I told him what the doctor said about my stupid lip, and he maintained cheerfulness, even giving me a little of the Chinese food he’d gotten for lunch down the street from my place as a tide-over snack to get me through the Philip Roth interview… Which, I found out on the way over, was a teleconference interview. He wasn’t at the bookstore at all. I just spent the entire time in Borders’ luxurious cookbook section, salivating over the expensive pretties, and silently deriding certain recipes and volumes heartily.

When O. was ready, after he’d gotten bored with the lengthy interview re: what Philip read about the Korean War to get himself ready for this project, we headed downstairs and eventually out. Now, Borders is close to one of my favorite liquor stores ever, Steve’s Liquor, this particular location of which also has a cheese case/delicatessen area. I ordered a pound of unsalted Amish butter, and got a handle of vodka for Orpheus’ place, then we went over to Noodles (a nice slow-fast food chain,) for dinner, as O. had a two for one coupon. I’d forgotten how much I like pesto, and it’s really easy to make, so… Voila! Dinner idea!!! After Noodles, we went back to O’s place, proceeded to get silly drunk, and watched ‘What’s Up, Tigerlilly?’, the Woody Allen dub based off a bad Japanese espionage-type movie. He manages to turn it into his own personal paean to yellow fever, unsurprisingly.

I had weird dreams all night long, ones I don’t fully remember. I slept remarkably well, considering. All I can really remember is that I need to call Leo. It’s been about a month since he disappeared to San Diego, and, being that I helped him learn to write like a liberal arts freako, I feel I deserve an update. Orpheus and I have tonight off, as I’m having the first big roomie night with Terra Firma in a long while. Wish me luck on that count! Here’s hoping I can get the boxes out of the damned livingroom.

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