Thursday, June 12, 2008

Unemployment, ho!!!

Today is a complete waste of my time. We’re doing a super-stupid contest where we’re expected to make an unrealistic “minimum” number of calls, get an artificially high rate of contact on said calls, and, though the sales number expected isn’t terrible, it’s after noon and I’m only up $400. Thanks so much, loyal customers!!! In case you can’t tell, I was being facetious. Either way, it seems like everybody else in the department is actually talking to enough people and even making enough dials. However, they, too, seem to be stuck in no moo-lah land. Thank god. Otherwise, it’d be unemployment line, ho!

Later should be better. I have to go see O. do his special thing tonight, and then it’ll likely be movies (and possibly a doink) with Basso. I saw Orpheus in his final ramp-up yesterday evening, and he didn’t perform as well as he’d have liked, so I made him moan for a long while before bed last night. Hopefully, that’ll get him motivated. God knows it has me motivated to fuck his socks off. Anyway, more later. Have a good night!

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