Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Multiple blessings, minimum comfort…

So, this weekend was odd. I felt like I was sleep-walking through it, and the other end has been… well, disappointing. First off, Orpheus decided to go to a cast party by himself on Friday, not least of all because he had to work super-early on Saturday, anyway, and wanted to give his co-stars in the play the opportunity to shine as human-beings. Unsurprisingly, he doesn’t like them very much. O.’s not amazingly generous, socially speaking, and if people don’t fit a pretty constrictive mold, aren’t “smart” enough, or have the temerity to disagree with him, he kind of holds a grudge. We’ll move along, for now, past the fact that this is his only quality that I find absolutely repellant, and just continue the story… Orpheus hated the cast party, but tried to stick it out, for which I am proud. It’s not normal for O. to put effort into socializing unless I’m doing all the actual expenditure of energy. Unfortunately, Basso, who was also at the party, decided it was a dull scene and left without an adequate explanation of his whereabouts, which only served to make O. cranky for a good little bit of the weekend.

Saturday, since Orpheus had to work early, then be in the play, I had mostly to myself (except around dinner time, for which I made a picnic that ended up being eaten indoors due to shitty weather). It was a very simple picnic, comprised only of a delicious gingered chicken salad served on toast, two dips, roasted red pepper and hummus, and bread to rip off and dip with a very easy spinach salad as a side. All was to be served with prosecco, which was quite refreshing. Unfortunately, I completely forgot the dips at home, and we ended up eating only salad and chicken salad with sweet bubbly. Odd, but still pretty good. When O. succumbed to his curtain call, I joined Bulgaria and his BF at the Sundance theatre (remarkably pretentious, peopled by snooty asshole upper-middle-class middle-agers who think they’re better and/or more sophisticated than everybody else in their limited circles,) to see The Fall, which was quite good. After the movie, they gave me my belated birthday presents (I tried to tell them that, after throwing me a dinner, they didn’t need to give me gifts, but they didn’t subscribe to that at all), a Dean & Dalucca cook book, and a neat novel called The Historian. After Orpheus got done with his play, I picked him up, and we went back to my place, where we had no sex. Meh.

Unfortunately, I also managed to step on my phone Saturday morning, and it’s been acting quite oddly ever since… it works, more or less, and hasn’t yet dropped a call on me, but its’ days seem to be numbered. Fortunately, the 3G iPhone is debuting early next month, in fact, while I’m home at S.’s wedding! I’ll just pop over to the Mac Store, and buy one there before starting with Wedding shit for the day. Unfortunately, it’s going to cost me at least $200.00… Which sucks. But I’ll only be spending $10 more/month on my cellular plan, and will get unlimited mapquest while in the car, as well as access to e-mail, etc. from anywhere WITHOUT paying extra.

Sunday was neat, got to roleplay, and Cunegonde (my dwarven whore/virgin/arcmage) was devastatingly effective due to her new powers. Unfortunately, Dungeonmaster received the copies of Dungeons&Dragons v4.0 that he pre-ordered for us from amazon.com… Normally, I’d be really excited about this, but I don’t like the new system much. My copy is currently pissing me off with all the revisions every time I take a break. I like version 3.0 (and, slightly less, v3.5). They’re more fun than this unitized shit that belongs in a crappy online “character-driven” game. Whatever. I’ll survive. I like playing with these guys, and the system doesn’t necessarily matter, as long as the character interaction is fun.

Anyway, tonight should be OK. I’m making pork chops in a dark sweet cherry sauce with shallots and black walnuts, then O. and I are to go see some art house documentary about old people in a choir that does rock covers. If it doesn’t put me to sleep, I should at least be able to demand sex for making me sit through it.

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