Monday, February 11, 2008

Really, really, really good things...

This weekend was lovely. Aside from a bit of much-needed sex and Dungeons and Dragons (thankfully unconcurrent activities), I finally ended up having Orpheus’ sister over for dinner on Saturday to thank her for buying me Mac OS 10.5 at the student price. It was pretty damned good, if rather disjointed. We started with a beautiful salad composed of green pepper, tomato, fig, fresh mozzarella, pistachios, fresh-cracked pepper, salt, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and a splash of white wine. The second course was my special, Ratatouille (the Movie) inspired take on Ratatouille (pronounced delicious by all), which involves mandolin-thickness slices of a couple extra veggies (potato amongst them), and fennel bulb minced fine in the base tomato/garlic/wine/olive oil sauce right along with the Herbs de Provence (please excuse for the lack of appropriate accents… My computer doesn’t speak any more Frog than I). The last course that I contributed was a lazy-man’s marinated tuna, sautéed in butter and white wine. O. made lovely cranberry scones for dessert, as I lack the baking gene.

People continue to, against all odds, get worse at driving as the winter stretches on. Orpheus will, no doubt, want me dead by the time the trees are budding, if only due to his lack of imagination or any sense of fun where vehicular homicide is concerned. Sadly, that’s about it for interest points for this weekend. Just so you know, though, the sex was really, really, really good. More later!

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