Thursday, February 7, 2008


The drive home last night was oddly pleasant. There were few people on the road, so it didn’t really matter that conditions scared the living crud out of me, as there was no one to hit if I screwed up (I didn’t, though). I even stopped at the store to pick up some food, just in case the snow ended up burying me in. Fortunately, I had a hankering for beer, and caved to my baser impulses. This would prove vital later. Also, due to road conditions, Orpheus and I decided together that it would be better if we didn’t see one another last night. This decision was made (as he informed me,) because he loves me, and didn’t want my possible death by traffic on his conscience. Sadly, I agreed.

So, as covered before, everything went swimmingly up through the supermarket. The cashier in the booze section even offered to check out my big order of sku-intensive veggies, something that almost never happens. It was like the sky was smiling at me, through the copious amounts of god-dandruff piling up in the roads. Then, I tried driving home from the store… The road had not been plowed. Cars were stuck here and there, and on a two-way street, there was at most one lane of travel space, with a few duck-holes here and there in the form of side-streets. The first time I tried to go up the hill, I couldn’t do it because of a guy who pulled out in front of me, forcing me to brake. I lost traction, backed up to a turn-off, and tried again in a lower gear. This time, some freak in a minivan, hell-bent for election, sent me sliding backwards into a snowbank to avoid a collision. I had to lug my groceries up to the apartment, then spend the next hour digging out the car, which I couldn’t put in the parking lot behind the building, because the driveway was full of snow to the depth of a good foot and a half. Basically, I carved a parking spot out of the pile of white stuff into which I had regressed.

I dragged my sorry, aching, mucous-y, asthmatic ass back to the apartment, stripped down to my underwear, and parboiled some Italian sausages in beer and spices, transferring to the grill. I drank a good few beers. I watched some Avatar: The Last Airbender (because, despite the alcohol, I’m still less serious than I tended to be at age five). I tried to relax, and think thoughts not in the vein of ritualistic murder of executives, followed by gourmet prep-work, and finally consumption of that too-tainted flesh… Then, I gave Terra Firma a ride to her car, which she’d parked about a 20 minute walk away, as her rainbow-besotted VW has even less ground clearance than my somber champagne Grandpa sled. Since the plows had just been through, this involved another 15-minute session of digging, again a one-man show, as there was only one shovel. Thank god I’m stronger than I look.

I helped another poor sap get his van un-stuck from a plow-drift, incidentally the same asshole who’d gotten me stuck in the first place, so I totally feel morally superior today. I then found my way to the video rental place, where I nabbed a copy of ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix’ in widescreen, and fell asleep to the soothing strains of the death of Sirrius Black… Only to be woken by Maggie (the cat… Ha!) having the worst spate of the pukes ever. Anyway, despite my overtiredness, I’m actually having a pretty good day. Wish me luck with that. Please.

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