Monday, March 30, 2009

Wow, that's a lot of bases to cover...

OK, so it’s been a really long time since I wrote. The problem is, nothing that terribly interesting has happened. I made seitan, which sucked, on Saturday. Eating like a rabbit is losing its’ interest, but I’m more or less keeping it up. I don’t want to get as fat as dad, or die young. Although, really, that might be the only way to die without a lot of pain and undue stress, as I’ll be working until I’m 100 years old otherwise. Really, though, I’ve been cooking a lot, Orpheus and I have been cruising along, getting ready to move in, planning, shopping slowly, and in general, well, just living.

Tonight, we’re going to the awful straight bar for trivia after I make vegan chorizo tacos (I know, sounds awful, but Trader Joe’s has a WONDERFUL tofu-based chorizo that you really can’t tell with,) served over brown rice on homemade corn tortillas by O. Yesterday, we used a little bit of “burnt pineapple salsa” as a marinade for a pork roast, and served it with sexy sautéed green beans. I also made a huge batch of linguini with veggie-laden marinara sauce for lunches this week. We bought a huge number of bottles of indifferent wine, also at Trader Joe’s, to wash all the food down with. Overall, we’re trying to conserve where possible. I need new glasses, we have to put money down as a security deposit on a new place, and I’ll need a new phone, all before September first. Money sucks.

The job is good, though I did see red consistently over the course of several hours’ worth of shitty calls last week, Friday. Gaming was cancelled, so Orpheus and I got to spend a really nice evening together, lazing about. Terra Firma was home alone all weekend, and for the first time in awhile, there was a really light, convivial atmosphere between us. This is nice. I remember loving her to death, and I’d like to look forward to seeing her, rather than dreading it, someday.

Oh, I almost forgot! On Friday, I met Aries out for drinks after work! I saw my old (good) boss from the evil old job, and two of the coolest people from there came to the bar to see me, too. It was a great time. Aries and I migrated at about 9 PM to a different bar, where we met up with pretty much the entire group of salespeople who quit or were fired, and we had a grand old time. I’m meeting with her again on Wednesday to get rid of the last of my awful seitan in the form of kabobs, and O. and I are supposed to hang out with a couple of the folks at bar#2 to make dinner together on Saturday. Also, on Tuesday, I’m showing my violin off to EvilGenius, whilest helping BakedAlaska and QuakerNoOats to clean out their fridge of leftovers. They’re about to leave for a month-long trip around Merry ‘ol England!!! I can’t wait until they get back, and I get to see all the pictures... It’ll be fun.

So, I guess the moral of the story is, there’s actually a lot going on, and I have to get off my lazy ass and write more often. Have a lovely day, and here’s hoping my ass is less lazy in the future!

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