Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life Goes On...

It’s amazing how quickly new years, new relationships, new things in general begin to show wear, thin around the edges and eventually decay. Time just seems to be slipping by, and I can’t do much but watch it flow, feeling almost powerless to get even the simplest things done and off my plate! I think the point is, I’m in a rut, and have to find a way to break out of it.

The rut isn’t Orpheus-related, although both of us are rather retiring personalities, and do tend to help one another get into rut-like-grooves. We both know this, though, and so try to do little things to kick each other back out into the real world. Last night was a nice example of attempting to get engaged by going out (not staying in,) for once on a holiday. We ended up hitting a couple bars, having a nice time, and running into one of O.’s all-time favorite work-friends, who left the fold some time ago to pursue a better paying opportunity through her other job. It was fun reconnecting, plus she had a really hot girlfriend with her, and so I spent a nice evening checking out a chick for once, all while getting scoped by the waiter.

The point is, everything was fresh, and I think I have some new impetus that has been noticeably lacking since my accident… I’m quite glad I pushed Orpheus to get his sexy ass dressed after dinner and go out, even if I am still a little hung-over as of 5:30 PM!

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