Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy Birthd... Wait, did I lose a digit in the salad?

So, Orpheus’ birthday was lots of fun, but it didn’t go off entirely without a hitch… First off, I had a LOT more cooking to complete than I had before thought. We had to take another trip to the store in order to get a couple odds and ends that had been too disgusting to buy at Woodman’s the day before… And we didn’t get the chance to go to a movie in the morning. In fact, we didn’t even fit in O.’s birthday doink until last night. No… Instead, whilst I was half-heartedly chopping two huge, heartbreakingly beautiful leeks, my concentration slipped and I nearly sliced off the tip of my left thumb. Through the nail, I cut down into the nail bed. It was such a clean cut, I didn’t believe it (or feel it,) at first. I managed to get my thumb compressed under running cold water before it even started to bleed. This did not sever part of my finger, or expose bone, or even clip part of the nail off. Instead, I have a long clean slice in the nail, that I’ll have to develop the balls to repair with glue and a tea bag patch, then file. I’m not looking forward to this task.

Anyway, all the rest of the chopping had to be done by Orpheus, but after I’d staunched the flow of blood, taken my last remaining vicodin, and dry-dressed my half-severed digital terminus with packing left over from my unfortunate brush with driveway gravel last summer, I finished the cooking part of the deal, and helped to pack up the feast. After everybody finally showed up (minus, of course, Basso… He had to go to dress rehearsal for something he’s in early), the picnic went swimmingly, and we even got to go out afterwards with Aphrodite, which was really nice. We hit the Orpheum, which is a big, pretty old theatre that’s been transformed into a kind of art movie-house that doubles as downtown’s least seedy mid-sized venue for good bands coming through town. There’s a restaurant/bar set up in the lobby, and one of the first bar waitresses I ever developed a rapport with in Madison (at a different bar, of course,) is now the general manager. It was a pleasant evening.

Yesterday was nice, too, and though the sex wasn’t fantastic for me, that wasn’t the point. We got to do some things that O. had really wanted to do again, or try for the first time. All in all, I think he had a good time on his birthday. I get the impression that nobody’s ever really bothered to throw him a party like that, before. Plus, as I’d envisioned the dinner, I got some spill-over ego stroking from all attendees to compensate for the fact that It wasn’t my birthday. ;-) And tonight, Orpheus and I get to spend the evening naked at my place. I’m looking forward to that.

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