Thursday, March 27, 2008

Holy Cough-Syrup, Batman!!!

Today has been very odd. For the first time in a long time, I slept quite well last night. The reason, however, is a touch sinister. It turns out, you see, that the freaky-deaky cough syrup I was given by the doctor isn’t a codeine concoction, but rather a vicotin cocktail also containing a powerful antihistamine. I’m higher than a kite, and if that’s the price for not sneezing constantly, having a head stuffed full of acid-green mucous, and coughing until my throat feels as if it is bleeding, then I’ll just be loopy, thanks much. Having said this, though, I think it important to also mention that once I don’t need the crap not to feel like the world is ending, I’m taking it back to the pharmacy for proper disposal. Honestly, I’m a little scared of the stuff. Mom pops it (in pill form, without the antihistamine,) like candy, but she has real pain issues that have nothing to do with the common cold gone bad.

The last time I was on vicotin, it was probably the worst possible choice of painkiller for the situation. I had double dry socket after a wisdom tooth removal, so the problem wasn’t really pain. There was going to be that whether or not I was on an opiate-derived narcotic painkiller. No. What I really needed was upwards of 1000mg of ibuprophen at a time to reduce swelling, make tiny the engorged flesh of my mouth, pressing outward where raw and missing the bone that used to back it. Now, things are different. The discomfort I am in is so much less, and yet so unassailable using the good ‘ol anti-inflammatory analgesics… So viola (the French, not the instrument)! I feel like about $750,000.00 to my usual million, and that’s far more than I can say for the last time I was ill. Plus, there’s a pleasant buzz going which is keeping me from getting truly angry at anything. The only suckage is the low-grade headache that seems to accompany my use of Tussinex. Well, that and the light sensitivity. Small prices to pay, after everything.

What’ll really be interesting, though, is to see if I can stay awake long enough after my evening dose to have sex with Orpheus. I’ve heard weird things about vico and doinking.

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