Friday, March 21, 2008


There’s been a bit of e-unpleasantness over Orpheus’ blog, again. It was more hurtful, this time, though, because instead of mean-spirited unpleasant things coming up about me, he lied about what he’d said, tried to cover his tracks, and when he finally gave me permission to read what he’d alluded to over the phone, I found him out by reading the comments. Coming on the heels of our first three-way in quite some time, this is just a very bad moment at which to need to question my trust in O.

In fact, the lie/omission/whatever the hell it really turns out to be was regarding the ménage. The precarious statement in question was something to the tune of “It’s become clear he likes me more than [Aefchen] and I’m not telling.” In retrospect, as the most obviously nervous party the first time we met him, and the drunkest party when we had sex, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be true. Orpheus is younger, and shares slightly more interests with Basso than I do. But that he wouldn’t tell me something had been said that could herald a bid to steal my boyfriend? I don’t cotton to that, even if it is what he really wants. It would hurt less if there were honesty involved in such a transition, even if it is against our rules for three-ways.

Update: Fortunately, I hadn’t managed to post before lunch time. I had to go to Orpheus’ place in order to retrieve a check I’d forgotten to deposit last week. We had a chat. I can’t exactly explain what was said or what passed between us, but it was enough. There was already a lot of sturm und drang on the phone and by AIM last night. I’ve been assured the post was a falsehood in the first place, as O. is rather fond of fictionalizing he blog on occasion. All I really had to do was look in his eyes when he apologized to know he’s playing straight. Fortunately, he can’t lie if you’re looking directly at him. He explained things a little more rationally, and found ways to make recompense. I’m hurt, but it won’t be so forever. Maybe he’ll mend his ways online. Maybe he won’t. We’ll have to talk about Basso, and his blog. I think this shook him more than I’d imagined. Good. Once in awhile, even he should have to wonder.

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