Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sorority Girls + Booze = Gibbering @#$% Machines

So, my fears were completely unfounded. Dinner on Tuesday was absolutely wonderful, Terra Firma, Sister and I had a lovely time that involved the consumption of a great deal of alcohol, and all was well with the world. It was good to have some time to talk to them without Orpheus present. He means very well, and is indignant on my behalf regarding the roommate situation, but I’m starting to pick up and run with his resentments where they are concerned, which isn’t fair to anybody. It was nice to talk to the two of them about how they are doing, too. All told, I actually saw a bit more of Terra before we moved in together… Now that we live in the same place, it actually seems harder to coordinate schedules in any sort of meaningful way. But Tuesday was helpful in the extreme. Roomie therapy. Added to those positives was my invention of a new drink, known as a Frankencider. It’s two parts dark rum and one part apple cider with a splash of dry vermouth shaken over ice and served in chilled cocktail glasses. Tastes like somebody tried to put the granny smith back in the cider, but not like it contains enough alcohol to turn a sorority girl into a gibbering @#$% machine.

Yesterday was totally fun, too. I begged off work early, as Orpheus’ little sister (a chemistry major, thus her name shall here be:) Chemie offered to get me Mac OS 10.5 at a special student price. While we were obtaining said Wunder-software, we did a little convivial talking. Since O wasn’t there, it was the first time I’d really gotten to see Chemie out of the family context, and just converse. I believe that both of us left the encounter feeling a little bit better about the other. I’m supposed to take her out to dinner next week to thank her, as she saved me a great deal of money. It took about an hour to verify the DVD and install, and other than the little things, Leopard is hotter than a box of liquid magma. The only problem I’m having thus far has to do with the latest QuickTime update taking like 30 seconds to open my porn. Otherwise, Leopard seems meaner, leaner, and far better at memory allocation, amongst other things. The look is more uniform (good AND bad, as they’ve done away with brushed steel), and more slick/3D at once. They’ve got a maddening little feature in the dock called ‘stacks,’ which looks cool but can be difficult to manage. Either way, I am going to need a little time to get to know my white plastic baby again. She’s sexier than ever, though, so that helps.

After installing Leopard, I went downtown to see Orpheus. Parking took thirty minutes, made me freakishly cranky, and probably lost me the election where doing things in bed was concerned. He had gotten a $20 in the mail from his parents, though, and took me out to dinner. In another real turn of generosity, we got some time in this morning before seven to make up for my cranky pants last night. Usually, he’s morally offended if I come near him ‘that way’ before 9 or 10 in the AM, but there was something in the air before dawn this morning, I guess. Hopefully, it doesn’t ruin my chances tonight. ;-)

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