Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Head Hurts… But Not As Much As Basso’s.

Last night was off the wall. Orpheus, Basso and I met just after work for happy hour at a bar that has a very well-appointed buffet so I could say ‘hi!’ before they went to rehearsal. I went on a consumer rampage, buying an old game that I very much wanted so that when my friend Leo moves to SoCal in a couple months, I’ll still have access to it. I also bought a new set of D+D dice, and the expansion pack to the aforementioned game. Afterwards, I went to the store and got veggies for dinner, which was just leftover burgers from Monday, and a kind of zucchini/red pepper/carrot/onion stir-fry with red wine, salt and pepper. It was very good. Basso called while O. and I were eating, and asked to come over for a drink. He wanted sex, but we weren’t feeling it. However, we did all go out for queer-ass karaoke at the Shamrock.

There, I proceeded to get wicked-drunk and grope the f#*k out of Orpheus, while Basso groped both of us. It was interesting. Turns out Basso likes Cake so much, he does karaoke to it… Too bad about that, but it was fun to watch. I got screwed out of the good version of Summertime, and did the slow one. Crappy! However, I did the German version of ‘Amadeus,’ which made me quite happy. O. did some hot stuff, including a Ricky Martin number and a couple rap dillys. When we left, Basso was talking to a guy one sees online a lot, we’ll call him S. Things seemed to be going well. Orpheus and I went back to his place and wrapped up some drunken groping fairly quickly, at which point I fell asleep with earplugs in, and went completely dead to the world. Apparently, around 2 AM, Basso called my phone and asked to come over and crash. O. answered, said “cool,” and thirty minutes later, no B. A cop called using Basso’s phone a few minutes later, and asked if he could drop the poor dear off. He was found unconscious, bashed over the head. Basso had been mugged on the way over! To my great regret, I was so completely passed out, I couldn’t help make sure he was OK when the police officer dropped him off, which meant that Orpheus had to do all the worrying, clucking, and general mom-type crap.

Worse yet, I was so out of it that I didn’t know there was a third body in bed when the alarm was going off, and kept yelling at O. to hit the snooze. In fact, when I finally rousted, O. had to explain the situation slowly and clearly. I didn’t even get the fact that Basso was on the other side of Orpheus until half-way through the bit where a cop had dropped him off! So, yeah, I totally feel like a heel at this point. O. is wicked-cranky because he got so little sleep. I’d love to baby him a bit tonight, but he’s still not sure if he’ll be in any shape to do anything tonight except nap. And Basso! I texted with him a little early on in the day. He’s in one piece, which is the most important thing, but may have a bit of a complex over all this after he’s had time to process. Anyway, that’s about it for now. That and the fact that the hamster on the exercise wheel in my head seems to have run out of steam for the day.

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