Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dinnertime exploits

It’s gorgeous outside. 55F, the world’s most perfect temperature… Tonight, instead of getting outside and enjoying nature, I’m cooking for my friend R., who I mentioned last week. It’ll be about two hours of cooking, drinking, and various other non-sexual activities. Thank god for straight friends! The only problem I’m having is coming up with something for him to do while I’m slaving over dinner/drinks! I fear that the poor dear will be bored mindless whilst I cook. Oh, well. He isn’t a “compleat” slouch in the kitchen, but he’s not good, either (read “compleat” as better around a campfire or in a poorly-built hearth). Ends up eating organic frozen pizza most nights. Meh. Sea salt is still sodium, no matter how many brine shrimp it has making it pink.

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